v  Sainsbury’s Active Kids – Collect Vouchers now for this year’s Active Kids Campaign at Sainsbury’s stores, and petrol stations. They really help the club, and the collected vouchers will do even more to help us this year, after last year’s devastating fire.


v  CRETE NEWS: So far we currently have around 38 people booked. COME ON GUYS - THIS IS A BRILLIANT & FLIGHTS CURRENTLY WITH AEGEAN AIRWAYS ARE VERY CHEAP. To get the lowest possible hotel price’s we want to make our reservations no later than the end of January. Families still considering please let us know your flight details by the end of January to be included.


v  Swimming Training in place of Winstanley. Full details can be found here of the swimming details until Winstanley pool re-opens.


v  Swim club Manager – Swimmers age 16 and over may use their own email address but need to be responsible for replying to gala invites. If you change either the email address or a mobile phone number please let Kara know.